Ingrown Toenail Surgery

What is the best treatment for foot and heel pain?


Did you know that there are 26 bones and 33 joints in your foot and ankle region! When you experience persistent discomfort in this area, you start taking interest in the human anatomy. Suddenly, you become so inquisitive and you start Googling your symptoms and you search for the best Ingrown Toenail Surgery.


There is nothing wrong with finding answers on the internet; we all are netizens and we all deal with problems for which we find solutions on Google. In your case, it is  frustrating and nerve-wracking pain! Let’s dive deep into the topic and find out what causes  foot and heel pain, and how to treat them effectively.

How to describe foot pain?

Foot pain is the most common discomfort experienced by both adults and children. The pain can be best described either as a sharp and stabbing discomfort or as a dull and lingering sensation. Some people experience the pain only in the morning hours while others are dealing with ‘almost-disabling’ symptoms all day long. Most common foot concerns are related to signs like:

  • difficulty in moving,
  • inability to run,
  • swelling while wearing shoes, or
  • Numbness, tingling and gradual pain

To properly understand the pain, you need to first locate the site of the discomfort. For instance, most people experience dull or sharp pain in the toes, arches, soles or heels. The pain might last for a shorter span or maybe an ongoing discomfort. Depending on the severity you can decide on the best foot pain treatment.

What is heel pain?

Are you feeling a throbbing sensation at your heels? You are not alone; most adults experience pain under or right behind the heels. Slight discomfort can occur due to overuse, however, persisting pains are not generally caused by an injury. They need to be treated effectively to prevent getting a chronic disability. The pain may be triggered by walking or wearing a particular type of shoe.

What are the possible causes of foot or heel pain?

To find out which is the best foot and heel pain treatment, let us first discuss what are the underlying causes of the discomfort.

Plantar fasciitis

The tissues that connect the heel to the ball of the foot are called plantar fascia. When ligaments in this region get bruised or overstretched, you will notice it  first thing in the morning. Most people with plantar fasciitis experience severe pain when they get up from the bed.

Heel spur

Studies estimate that 1 in every 10 Australian adults are dealing with heel spur even without realizing it. The tender region at your heels gets affected with abnormal walking styles and over time it leads to chronic inflammation, spurs or bony growth.


Severs disease

People diagnosed with severs diseases have an inflamed growth plate which is located at the heel bone. The disease is more common in children and is often caused by excessive running and jumping.


Other reasons for heel and foot pain

Regardless of your age, you may experience discomfort in your foot or heel. Most common factors causing the painful sensations are:

  • Ill-fitted shoes
  • Running or jumping on hard surfaces
  • Inflammation of the joints
  • Stress fractures
  • Injuries
  • Disorders like diabetes or arthritis


The causes of heel pain can be diagnosed easily with x-rays and physical examinations. Depending on the severity of the pain, the best treatment course can be taken. Most causes of heel and foot pain are pretty common and can be treated easily with rest. Whereas in cases like plantar fasciitis and heel spur, you might seek professional help to prevent the situation from getting chronic.  

What are the best foot and heel pain treatments?


Prevention is always preferable

To reduce the risk of heel and foot pain, it is important to follow the best preventive measures. Such as, wear shoes with proper fit, always warm up before exercise, and avoid overusing the ligaments and joints.


Supportive footwear

Those who are dealing with persistent heel pain can find relief by wearing shoes with supportive heels and shock-absorbing soles.


Home Massage

Alternatively, regular foot massages are also helpful. You don’t need any professional training to conduct the massage, just a simple at-home massage or ice packs are adequate. Make sure to focus on the arch of the foot for best results.

Home medications

There are many over the counter medications available to relieve pain and discomfort. If the pain gets unbearable you may try oral or topical anti-inflammatory medications.


Professional help

Common Heel Pain Problems and foot pain can be treated with rest, exercising, and simple at-home remedies. However, for chronic problems, sometimes surgery is the best possible option.


When to seek professional help?

Mild discomfort subsides with rest and ice packs; for more serious pain, aggressive measures can be taken. It is better to find a podiatrist on the Sunshine Coast when you experience persistent pain that prevents you from doing normal activities.


When you feel that topical remedies or supportive footwear are only providing short-term relief and you are not able to go to work and participate in recreational activities without noticing the discomfort, it’s the right time to find a podiatrist.

Where to find a podiatrist on Sunshine Coast?

Consulting with a podiatrist is helpful to discuss various treatment strategies. In order to make a proper assessment and get the best foot and heel pain treatment, you need to find the best podiatrist. Suncoast Podiatry is a trusted foot clinic for the public of the Sunshine Coast. They offer excellent treatment and provide their expertise at a number of locations including Noosa, Noosaville and Gympie. To book an appointment, you can visit the link given below.